Friday, March 2, 2012

Change of Scenery

Sorry I have been absent for so long, but a LOT of things have happened since my last update.

For starters, February 16th was my last day at my job. I have some amazing coworkers that I miss dearly, they were my family for over 3 years. That Thursday was the hardest day of my career. Before work I cried probably 3 times. While I was at work I was teary eyed most of the day. My Coworkers brought in ice cream, rootbeer, icecream cake, and other goodies for my last day. Lab people love to eat, LOL! Not only that but they all chipped in and got me a more than generous Visa gift card! By the time I left at the end of my shift, I was crying my eyes out. I miss my coworkers! That was a very difficult night, I didn't sleep at all.

I finally got a little sleep before I needed to get up and get started on packing. When I had a wonderful and much needed surprise. Hubby surprised me and flew in on a 4 day pass to help me start packing. I was shocked, sleep deprived, ungroomed, and so happy to see him. I definitely needed him for support after that rough day. Of course, I was in tears once again!

He not only helped me get quite a bit of packing done, but also made sure that I was eating. I have a tendency to skip that when I'm stressed. We also had a going away party that Saturday night. I was truly touched by how many people came! It meant a lot to me.

That following week was filled with packing and getting rid of stuff. I had to take him to the airport Monday morning to fly back to Texas, but I got to pick him back up Friday evening. Saturday morning we got the uhaul and with the help of my parents got everything loaded up. Sunday morning we were on the road. Finally got to our place late Monday night/ early Tuesday morning.

With the help of two privates, the truck was unloaded in less than an hour. It took 4 times that to load it. All I could do was stand back and watch, I wasn't sure if I should be scared or impressed! I have been on an unpacking marathon since. My kitchen is 95% done, the living/dining room are about 50% same as the bathrooms. Once those are done, the rest will happen at a slower pace. It is coming together though.

I will post pictures once I have them. This weekend we have to find me a dress for the ball next week, and also force me to start driving around out here. The thought currently scares me. We live on post and I've never driven on post before. Not to mention this place is HUGE!!! I'm afraid I'm going to get lost and end up at the wrong area of post.  Well wish me luck!!


  1. Moving is a big deal and can be so stressful and overwhelming BUT I am so excited for you!!

  2. Oh my goodness sounds so stressful! So glad that your hubs got to come in and surprise you and you had all that help unpacking. Good luck driving, finishing unpacking,and finding a gorgeous dress!!
